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Rabu, 22 April 2015

Softskill 1 (Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer)

Memahami Makna, Jenis dan Fungsi Kain Ulos
KRONOSNEWS.COM - Salah satu kearifan lokal masyarakat Batak adalah kain ulos. Selain sebagai kain khas, ulos juga merupakan keunikan budaya yang tidak pernah ketinggalan dalam sebuah pesta atau perayaan tertentu masyarakat Batak. Jenisnya pun beragam, mulai dari jenis yang biasa hingga kain ulos yang sangat khas dan memiliki filosofi yang mendalam.
Jangan asal memakai kain ulos karena kain ini memiliki corak yang diperuntukkan khusus bagi kaum lelaki maupun perempuan. Paling menarik adalah kain ulos ini mewakili ciri khas dan tidak sembarangan orang bisa memakainya. Namun secara umum, ulos memiliki filosofi untuk menunjukkan kehangatan dan lambang persaudaraan.
Ketika berkunjung ke Sumatera Utara, khususnya Kabupaten Tobasa, Anda akan disuguhkan dengan ratusan kain ulos dengan warna dan corak yang berbeda. Susunan ulos yang rapi dan tertata sesuai dengan jenisnya akan menjadi pemandangan yang mungkin tidak akan Anda temukan di daerah lainnya. Dari jenisnya saja, Anda akan menemukan perbedaan kain ulos dengan keunikannya masing-masing.
Ulos Sadum
Ulos ini menjadi salah satu ulos yang sangat popular dan diminati oleh para pengunjung lokal maupun mancanegara. Ulos Sadum biasanya menjadi hadiah tamu pada pengantin di acara pernikahan. Lain halnya dengan Ulos Sadum yang hingga kini banyak dipakai oleh kaum perempuan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Ulos jenis ini memang banyak diminati oleh kaum perempuan karena coraknya yang didominasi oleh bunga-bunga.
Ulos Ragi Hotang
Sama halnya dengan Ulos Sadum, ulos ini menjadi favorit para wisatawan domestic dan internasional yang berkunjung ke Tanah Batak. Sayangnya meski ulos Ragi Hotang adalah ulos tradisional yang sangat khas namun sudah mulai jarang ditemukan karena perkembangan zaman. Jenis Ragi Hotang memiliki kesan meriah sehingga biasanya dipakai ketika ada pesta.
Ulos Pucca
Sedangkan Ulos Pucca merupakan kain yang biasanya diberikan orang tua mempelai wanita kepada orang tua mempelai pria dan sarat dengan filosofi mendalam. Untuk acara yang sakral Ulos Pucca-lah yang digunakan. Ulos ini hanya bisa dipakai oleh orang tua yang memiliki anak yang telah menikah.
Perbedaan pemakain kain ulos dibenarkan oleh salah satu pemiliki usaha kain ulos yang ditemui kronosnews.com di Balige. “Semuanya punya makna tergantung jenisnya. Ragi Hotang ini untuk pesta. Kalo Sadum untuk perempuan. Laki-laki tidak ada yang pakai ulos Sadum karena coraknya bunga-bunga. Sedangkan Pucca biasanya dipakai orang yang sudah tua dan punya anak yang sudah menikah. Dimarahin kalian sama nenek moyang kalau pakai itu,” ungkapnya dengan logat Batak yang kental.
Jika Anda berminat untuk memiliki kain indah ini, Anda tinggal memilih harga yang sesuai dengan kantong karena harga kain ulos ini sangat beragam. Jenis Sadum harganya berkisar Rp25 ribu hingga Rp500 ribu per helai. Ulos Ragi Hotang biasanya dihargai Rp40 ribu hingga Rp150ribu. Sementara jenis Pucca harganya bisa mencapai Rp2 juta per helai.
Meski begitu, harga tersebut hanya sebatas kisaran dan tidak menjadi patokan utama. Harga kain ulos selalu disesuaikan dengan corak dan tingkat kesulitan pembuatnya. Ulos yang dibuat dengan jahitan tangan memiliki harga yang mahal, mencapai jutaan rupiah dibandingkan ulos yang dijahit dengan mesin. Harga ulos dengan jahitan tangan lebih mahal karena terlihat lebih rapi. Selain itu, ulos dengan jahitan tangan biasanya menghabiskan waktu sekitar dua minggu untuk pembuatannya. Ini sangat berbeda dengan ulos hasil jahitan mesin yang biasanya hanya membutuhkan waktu sehari.
Tertarik miliki kain ulos? Berkunjunglah ke tanah para pembuatnya di Sumatera Utara, dan Anda tinggal memilih ulos mana yang jadi favorit untuk dibeli.

One local wisdom of Batak is Ulos cloth. Aside from being a typical fabric, Ulos also a unique culture that never miss in a particular party or celebration of Batak society. Kind also varied, ranging from the ordinary to the type of fabric Ulos which very distinctive and has a deep philosophy.
Do not just wear Ulos cloth because this fabric has a style that cater specifically for men and women. Most interesting is the fabric Ulos represent characteristic and not any people can wear them. But in general, Ulos has a philosophy to show warmth and brotherhood symbol.
When visiting the North Sumatra, particularly Tobasa district, you will be presented with hundreds Ulos fabric with different colors and patterns. Ulos arrangement neat and orderly in accordance with its type will be a sight that may not be found in other areas. Of any kind, you will find differences Ulos fabric with individualized.
Ulos Sadum
Ulos Sadum is becoming one of very popular Ulos and demanded by local and foreign visitors. Ulos Sadum usually be a gift to the bride at the wedding. It is different with Ulos Sadum which is used by women in their daily activities. Ulos in this type is much in demand by women because the pattern is dominated by flowers.
Ulos Ragi Hotang
Similarly with Ulos Sadum, Ragi Hotang is a favorite of tourists domestic and international visitors to the Batak. Unfortunately though Ulos Ragi Hotang is very traditional Ulos but it is already rare to see because of modernization. Ragi Hotang have the bright impression so it usually used when there is a party.
Ulos Pucca
Ulos Pucca is a fabric which is usually given by the parents of the bride to the groom's parents and have a profound philosophy. Ulos Pucca was used for a sacred event. Ulos Pucca can only be used by parents who have children who have been married.
The difference in the usage of fabric Ulos justified by one of the business owners of ulos who met kronosnews.com in Balige. "Everything has meaning depending on the type. Ragi Hotang for a party. If Sadum for women. Men is not wearing Ulos Sadum because the pattern was flowers. While Pucca is usually used by people who are old and have children who are married. If you wear it, the ancestors will be angry "he said with a thick accent of Batak
If you are interested to have this beautiful fabric, you just select the price in accordance with your money because the price is very diverse Ulos cloth. Sadum prices range from Rp 25 thousand to 500 thousand per piece. Ulos Ragi Hotang usually appreciated Rp40 thousand to Rp150ribu. While Pucca price could reach Rp 2 million per piece.
Even so, that is the price range and not merely be the main criterion. Price fabric Ulos always adapted with the style and level of difficulty of the Ulos maker. Ulos made with hand stitching has a high price, millions rupiah compared to Ulos sewn by machine. Price Ulos with hand stitching is more expensive because it looks neater. Additionally, Ulos with hand stitching usually spend about two weeks to manufacture. This is very different from the results Ulos stitching machine that usually only takes a day.
Interested to have Ulos fabric? Come to the land of the makers in North Sumatra, and you just choose which Ulos you want to purchase

One local wisdom Batak is Ulos cloth. Aside from being a typical fabric, Ulos also a unique culture that never miss in a particular party or celebration Batak society. Kind also varied, ranging from the ordinary to the type of fabric Ulos very distinctive and has a deep philosophy.
Do not just wear Ulos cloth because this fabric has a style that cater specifically for men and women. Most interesting is the fabric Ulos represent characteristic and not any people can wear them. But in general, Ulos has a philosophy to show warmth and brotherhood symbol.
When visiting the North Sumatra, particularly Tobasa district, you will be presented with hundreds Ulos fabric with different colors and patterns. Ulos arrangement neat and orderly in accordance with its type will be a sight that may not be found in other areas. Of any kind, you will find differences Ulos fabric with individualized.
Ulos Sadum
Ulos is becoming one of Ulos very popular and in demand by local and foreign visitors. Ulos Sadum usually be a gift to the bride at the wedding. As with Ulos Sadum which until now widely used by women in their daily activities. Ulos this type is much in demand by women because the pattern is dominated by flowers.
De yeast Hotang
As with Ulos Sadum, this Ulos a favorite of domestic and international tourists who visit the Land of Batak. Unfortunately though Ulos Hotang Yeast is a very typical traditional Ulos but already rare because of the times. Type Yeast Hotang have lively impression that is usually used when there is a party.
Ulos Pucca
While Ulos Pucca is a fabric which is usually given the parents of the bride to the groom's parents and laden with profound philosophy. For a sacred event Ulos Pucca who had used. Ulos can only be used by parents who have children who have been married.
The difference in the usage of fabric Ulos justified by one of the business owners who met kronosnews.com Ulos cloth in Balige. "Everything has meaning depending on the species. Yeast Hotang for a party. If Sadum for women. Men wear nothing Ulos Sadum because flowers pattern. While Pucca is usually used by people who are old and have children who are married. Dimarahin same ancestors if you wear it, "he said with a thick accent Batak.
If you are interested to have this beautiful fabric, you just select the price in accordance with the bag because the price is very diverse Ulos cloth. Type Sadum prices range from Rp 25 thousand to 500 thousand per piece. Yeast Ulos Hotang usually appreciated Rp40 thousand to Rp150ribu. While this type of Pucca price could reach Rp 2 million per piece.
Even so, the price range and not merely be the main criterion. Price fabric Ulos always adapted to the style and level of difficulty of the author. Ulos made with hand stitching has a high price, millions of dollars compared Ulos sewn by machine. Price Ulos with hand stitching is more expensive because it looks neater. Additionally, Ulos with hand stitching usually spend about two weeks to manufacture. This is very different from the results Ulos stitching machine that usually only takes a day.
Interested have Ulos fabric? Come to the land of the makers in North Sumatra, and you just choose Ulos which is the favorite to be purchased.

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