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Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Softskill 4 (Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer)



The latest sign robots are taking over the world: They're building a bridge over an Amsterdam canal.

That's the plan at least, for an ambitious project that will use industrial robots to print a metal bridge over water by "drawing" steel structures in 3D.
Dutch robotic printing firm MX3D is leading the gravity-defying build.
Here's how it will work: Engineers start with a piece of metal attached to a canal bank. The robots begin at one side of the canal, adding small amounts of molten metal to create lines in midair. The lines intersect to create a self-supporting structure -- in this case, a bridge.

"This bridge will show how 3D printing finally enters the world of large-scale, functional objects," said designer Joris Laarman.
It's early days for the robot bridge, and the team hope to begin construction by 2017. The exact location will be revealed later in the year.

The technology is transforming lengthy prototyping processes in industries ranging from aerospace and consumer electronics, to medicine and cosmetics. Technology consultants Lux Research forecast the 3D printing industry will be worth $12 billion by 2025.
The machines have gone mainstream in recent years. Amazon (AMZN, Tech30) has a 3D printing store, while Staples (SPLS) sells MakerBot products as well as the Cube from 3D Systems.
But owning your own 3D machine is pretty pricey - the MakerBot Replicator Mini sells for $1,375.

My Translation
Tanda terbaru robot menguasai dunia: mereka sedang membangun jembatan diatas kanal Amsterdam.
Setidaknya itulah rencananya, untuk sebuah proyek ambisius yang akan menggunakan robot-robot industri untuk mencetak jembatan besi diatas air dengan “menggambar” struktur besi dalam 3 dimensi. Perusahaan robot cetak Belanda MX3D memimpin pembangunan melawan gravitasi tersebut.
Begini cara kerjanya: Perancang memulai dengan menempelkan sebuah besi ke pinggir kanal. Dan para robot memulai di sisi kanal satunya, menambahkan sedikit metal yang dicairkan untuk membentuk garis di udara. Garis-garisnya berpotongan untuk membuat struktur yang berdiri sendiri, dalam bentuk ini sebuah jembatan.
“Benda fungsional seperti jembatan ini akan menunjukkan bagaimana pencetak 3 dimensi memasuki dunia yang lebih besar” kata perancang Joris Laarman.
Ini sangat awal untuk jembatan robot, dan tim berharap untuk mulai membangun pada tahun 2017. Lokasi sebenarnya akan diberitahukan di akhir tahun.
Teknologi telah merubah bentuk asli proses didalam industri dimulai dari kedirgantaraan dan pemakai elektronik hingga obat-obatan dan kosmetik.
Konsultan teknologi Lux Research meramalkan industri pencetak 3 dimensi akan bernilai 12 Milliar Dollar di tahun 2025.
Mesinnya saat ini sudah banyak di pasaran.
Amazon(AMZN, Tech30) mempunyai toko pencetak 3 dimensi, walaupun Staples(SPLS) menjual produk MakerBot yang sama seperti Cube dari 3D Systems.
Tetapi untuk mempunyai mesin pencetak 3 dimensi membutuhkan harga yang mahal – MakerBot Replicator Mini dijual seharga 1.375 Dollar.

Google Translation
Robot tanda terbaru yang mengambil alih dunia: Mereka sedang membangun sebuah jembatan di atas kanal Amsterdam.
Itulah rencana setidaknya, untuk sebuah proyek ambisius yang akan menggunakan robot industri untuk mencetak jembatan logam di atas air dengan "menggambar" struktur baja dalam 3D.
Perusahaan percetakan robot Belanda MX3D memimpin gravitasi-defying membangun.
Berikut adalah cara itu akan bekerja: Engineers mulai dengan sepotong logam yang melekat ke bank kanal. Robot dimulai pada satu sisi kanal, menambahkan sejumlah kecil logam cair untuk membuat garis di udara. Garis berpotongan untuk membuat struktur mandiri - dalam hal ini, jembatan.
"Jembatan ini akan menunjukkan bagaimana pencetakan 3D akhirnya memasuki dunia skala besar, benda fungsional," kata desainer Joris Laarman.
Ini hari-hari awal untuk jembatan robot, dan tim berharap untuk memulai konstruksi pada 2017. lokasi yang sebenarnya akan terungkap di akhir tahun.

Teknologi ini mengubah proses prototyping panjang di industri mulai dari aerospace dan elektronik konsumen, untuk obat-obatan dan kosmetik. Konsultan teknologi Lux Penelitian memperkirakan industri percetakan 3D akan senilai $ 12 miliar pada tahun 2025.
Mesin-mesin telah pergi mainstream dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Amazon (AMZN, Tech30) memiliki sebuah toko cetak 3D, sementara Staples (SPLs) menjual produk Makerbot serta Cube dari Sistem 3D.
Tapi memiliki mesin 3D sendiri cukup mahal - yang Makerbot Replicator Mini dijual seharga $ 1.375.

Softskill 3 (Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer)

Wordmeister David Burke
When slang gets sneaky

"It's a way for people to fit in. It's better for teens to fit in by using slang than by doing drugs."
--David Burke, known as "Slangman," had a word with Q recently. In a regular Voice of America radio segment, Slangman teaches people overseas about the slang used in American TV shows and movies. He considers slang a natural way for people to belong someplace and reflect the times they live in. It's also a way for adolescents to express their own identity.
"I grew up in the days of `Leave It to Beaver' when kids showed their parents respect," Burke said. "Now kids diss their parents, and there's a lot of opposite speak going on. A `stupid' shirt is good; if a movie was `da bomb,' it was good. Kids want to confuse their parents."
U.S. slang often confuses foreigners as well, Burke said (and what are parents but foreigners in their own home?). He gave an example: "Imagine someone coming up to a foreigner and asking, `Mind if I pick your brain?'"

My Translation
Guru Kata David Burke
Ketika Kata Populer Menjadi Nakal

“Ada cara untuk orang-orang bisa bergaul. Remaja lebih mudah berbaur menggunakan kata populer daripada memakai obat-obatan.”
David Burke, dikenal sebagai “Slangman,” mempunyai sebuah kata dengan Q baru-baru ini. Dalam bagian acara radio Voice of America, Slangman mengajarkan orang-orang diluar negeri tentang penggunaan Slang di film-film dan acara TV Amerika. Dia menganggap slang merupakan cara yang alami bagi orang-orang untuk mengetahui asalnya dan waktu pada saat mereka hidup didalamnya. Ini juga sebagai cara para remaja untuk mengekspresikan identitas mereka.
“Saya tumbuh di zaman ‘Leave It to Beaver’ saat anak-anak menghormati orangtua,” kata Burke. “Anak-anak saat ini menghina orang tua mereka, dan ada banyak pembicaraan terbalik sedang terjadi. Sebuah baju ‘bodoh’ adalah bagus; ketika sebuah film ‘da bomb,’ itu adalah bagus. Anak-anak ingin membuat bingung orangtua mereka.”
Slang Amerika Serikat sering membuat bingung orang asing, kata Burke (dan apakah orang tua menjadi asing di rumah mereka sendiri?). Dia memberikan sebuah contoh: “Bayangkan seseorang datang ke orang asing dan bertanya, ‘Bolehkah jika saya mengambil otakmu?’”

Google Translate Translation
Wordmeister David Burke
Ketika gaul mendapat licik

"Ini adalah cara bagi orang untuk menyesuaikan diri. Itu lebih baik bagi remaja untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan menggunakan bahasa gaul daripada obat lakukan."
--David Burke, yang dikenal sebagai "Slangman," memiliki kata dengan Q-baru ini. Dalam Voice of America segmen radio biasa, Slangman mengajarkan orang luar negeri tentang slang yang digunakan di acara TV Amerika dan film. Ia menganggap gaul cara alami bagi orang untuk menjadi milik suatu tempat dan mencerminkan kali mereka tinggal di. Ini juga merupakan cara bagi remaja untuk mengekspresikan identitas mereka sendiri.
"Saya dibesarkan di zaman` Leave It to Beaver 'ketika anak-anak menunjukkan rasa hormat orang tua mereka, "kata Burke. "Sekarang anak-anak béda orang tua mereka, dan ada banyak berbicara sebaliknya terjadi A bodoh` 'kemeja baik, jika film itu `da bom,"... Itu baik Anak ingin membingungkan orang tua mereka "

US gaul sering membingungkan orang asing juga, Burke mengatakan (dan apa yang orang tua tapi orang asing di rumah mereka sendiri?). Dia mencontohkan: "Bayangkan seseorang datang untuk orang asing dan bertanya,` Pikiran jika saya memilih otak Anda '? "

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Softskill 2 (Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer)

Keeping you in the loophole about idiom blends
Who knew idioms could be so fun?
Last week we looked at the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and whether he was a suitable substitute for an elephant. Readers took the metaphorical bait and sent us dozens upon dozens of their favorite idiom blends.
But first, speaking of metaphors: Charles Barnitz wondered how we distinguished an idiom blend from a mixed metaphor.
"I think that all the mixed metaphors you discussed, while idiomatic metaphors of American English, are first and foremost metaphors and only secondarily idiomatic of American usage," Barnitz e-mailed.
There appears to be little official consensus on an idiom blend versus a mixed metaphor versus a malapropism versus "a modification of a fixed expression," as one language blog called the phenomenon. ("Let's solve two problems with one bird" was their chosen example.)
In last week's column, we mentioned "green behind the ears," the expression President Obama used when debating Sen. John McCain during the 2008 campaign. Language maven Mignon Fogarty, a.k.a. Grammar Girl, mentions the very same phrase on her grammar site (grammar.quickanddirtytips.com) as an example of a mixed metaphor. New York Times Magazine language columnist Ben Zimmer, though, cites "green behind the ears" as an idiom blend on his Visual Thesaurus blog (visualthesaurus.com).
A person could drive herself (and her readers) crazy with such semantics. And, as Barnitz copped to, "As I reread this email, I now see that I have become that boring, pedantic guy who taught freshman English in high school. It's a sad thing."
Whatever we're calling these things, we can all agree that they're good for a chuckle. Consider, for example, a few takes on "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
"I'll jump off that bridge when I get to it," offered Wendy Klusendorf.
"A former teacher of mine was always fond of saying, 'We'll burn that bridge when we get there,' " wrote Kyle Bush. "And my father-in-law enjoys saying, 'We'll drive off that bridge when we get there.' "
A few more that we're planning to drop into casual conversation.
" 'It's not rocket surgery,' a mash-up of it's not rocket science and it doesn't take a brain surgeon."—Laurie Moews
"I want to keep you in the loophole." —Helen Solomon
"I know I've come up with some real doozies over the years, but I think my best was when I urged a preachy friend not to beat me over the head with a dead horse." —Jeff Hamrick
"The nut doesn't fall far from the tree." —Maria Hilgart
"My late ex-husband was famous for mixing his metaphors. Some of his better known: That guy doesn't have both sails in the water. We need to nip this in the bucket. I'm caught between a rock and the deep blue sea. He's a few French fries short of a deck." —Brenda Cannova
"My all-time favorite is one I heard during a radio call-in show in Dayton, Ohio. A woman said people were pulling over to dump old tires in her yard, but she didn't mind because she would sell the tires as scrap. 'It's gravy in my pocket,' she said." —Marilyn Cavicchia

Siapa yang tahu bahwa idiom bisa jadi menyenangkan?
Minggu lalu kita melihat Gorilla seberat 363 kilogram di dalam ruangan, dan apakah dia cocok sebagai pengganti seekor gajah. Pembaca memberikan pendapat metafora dan mengirimkan lusinan dari campuran idiom favorit mereka.
Tetapi pertama, berbicara tentang metafora: charles Barnitz bertanya-tanya bagaimana kita memisahkan idiom campuran dari metafora campuran.
“Saya memikirkan semua metafora campuran yang anda diskusikan, sementara metafora idiomatis dari orang Inggris Amerika, adalah metafora pertama yang utama dan hanya idiomatis kedua yang digunakan orang Amerika,” e-mail Barnitz.
Disana tampak sedikit konsensus resmi tentang campuran idiom melawan campuran metafora melawan malapropism melawan “modifikasi dari ekspresi pasti,” sebagai satu kalimat blog yang di panggil sebuah gejala. (“Mari selesaikan 2 permasalahan dengan satu burung” adalah contoh yang mereka pilih.)
Dalam kolom minggu lalu, kita mengatakan “hijau dibelakang telinga,” ekspresi Presiden Obama yang digunakan ketika berdebat dengan Senator John McCain dalam kampanye tahun 2008. Ahli bahasa Mignon Fogarty alias Wanita Tata Bahasa, menyebutkan frasa yang sama di website tata bahasanya (grammar.quickanddirtytips.com) sebagai suatu contoh campuran metafora. Majalah New York Times kolumnis bahasa Ben Zimmer meskipun mengutip “hijau dibelakang telinga” sebagai campuran idiom dalam blog Pandangan Thesaurus-nya (visualthesaurus.com).
Seseorang bisa mengendarikan dirinya (dan pembacanya) tergila-gila dengan semantics. Dan seperti Barnitz mencuri ke, “Saat saya membaca kembail email ini, saya sekarang melihat bahwa saya menjadi bosan, pria bengah yang mengajar bahasa inggris pemula di SMA. Hal ini menyedihkan.”
Apapun kita menyebutkan hal-hal ini, kita semua bisa setuju bahwa mereka hebat untuk tertawa kecil. Mempertimbangkan, sebagai contoh, yang berterima “Kita akan seberang  jembatan ketika kita datang kepadanya.”
“Aku akan melompat jembatan itu ketika aku mendapatkannya,” kata Wendy Klusendorf.
“Seorang mantan guruku menyukai saat berkata,”Kita akan bakar jembatan itu ketika kita sampai disana,’ “ tulis Kyle Bush. “Dan ayah mertuaku senang mengatakan, ‘Kita akan meninggalkan jembatan itu ketika kita sampai disana.’ “
Lainnya bahwa kita merencanakan untuk menurunkanya menjadi percakapan sederhana.
“ ‘Ini bukan operasi roket,’ penghancuran itu bukan pengetahuan roket dan itu tidak membutukan operasi otak.” –Laurie Moews
“Aku ingin menjagau tetap di dalam jalur.” –Helen Solomon
“Aku tau aku mempunyai beberapa hal unik selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi saya memikirkan yang terbaik ketika saya mendesak teman yang suka mengajarkan untuk tidak mengalahkan pemikiran saya dengan kuda mati.” –Jeff Hamrick
“Kacang jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya.” –Maria Hilgart
“Mantan suami saya yang terakhir sangat mahir dalam menggabungkan metafora-nya. Beberapa yang diketahui: Pria itu tidak mempunyai dua layar di dalam air. Kita perlu untuk menggigit ini didalam ember. Saya tertangkap diantara batu dan kedalaman laut biru. Dia adalah kentang goreng pendek di tumpukan.” –Brenda Cannova
“Kesukaan saya adalah ketika saya mendengar melalui acara pemanggilan radio di Dayton, Ohio. Seorang wanita berkata orang-orang dikumpulkan untuk membuang ban-ban lama di halaman belakangnya, tetapi dia tidak menginginkannya karena dia akan menjual ban-ban itu sebagai kepingan. Itu adalah keuntungan kantongku,’ kata dia.” –Marilyn Cavicchia

Google Translate Translation
Siapa yang tahu idiom bisa begitu menyenangkan?
Minggu lalu kami melihat gorila 800-pon di dalam ruangan, dan apakah ia adalah pengganti yang cocok untuk gajah. Pembaca mengambil umpan metafora dan mengirimkan puluhan atas puluhan campuran idiom favorit mereka.
Tapi pertama-tama, berbicara tentang metafora: Charles Barnitz bertanya-tanya bagaimana kita dibedakan campuran idiom dari metafora campuran.
"Saya berpikir bahwa semua metafora campuran Anda dibahas, sedangkan metafora idiomatik bahasa Inggris Amerika, yang pertama dan terutama metafora dan hanya sekunder idiomatik penggunaan Amerika," Barnitz diemail.
Tampaknya ada konsensus resmi sedikit pada campuran idiom versus metafora campuran versus malapropism versus "modifikasi dari ekspresi tetap," sebagai salah satu blog bahasa yang disebut fenomena tersebut. ("Mari kita menyelesaikan dua masalah dengan satu burung" adalah contoh yang mereka pilih.)
Dalam kolom minggu lalu, kami sebutkan "hijau di belakang telinga," ekspresi Presiden Obama yang digunakan saat berdebat Senator John McCain pada kampanye 2008. Bahasa maven Mignon Fogarty, alias Grammar Girl, menyebutkan kalimat yang sama di situs tata bahasa nya (grammar.quickanddirtytips.com) sebagai contoh metafora campuran. New York Times Magazine kolumnis bahasa Ben Zimmer, meskipun, mengutip "hijau belakang telinga" sebagai campuran idiom pada Visual blog Thesaurus (thesaurus.com visual) nya.
Seseorang bisa mendorong dirinya (dan pembacanya) gila dengan semantik tersebut. Dan, sebagai Barnitz mencuri untuk, "Ketika saya membaca ulang email ini, sekarang saya melihat bahwa saya telah menjadi yang membosankan, pria bertele-tele yang mengajar mahasiswa bahasa Inggris di SMA. Ini hal yang menyedihkan."
Apapun yang kita panggil hal-hal ini, kita semua bisa sepakat bahwa mereka baik untuk tergelak. Perhatikan, misalnya, beberapa mengambil "Kami akan menyeberangi jembatan itu ketika kita datang ke sana."
"Aku akan melompat dari jembatan itu ketika saya sampai ke sana," ditawarkan Wendy Klusendorf.
"Seorang mantan guru saya selalu gemar mengatakan," Kami akan membakar jembatan itu ketika kita sampai di sana, '"tulis Kyle Bush. "Dan ayah mertua saya menikmati mengatakan," Kami akan mengusir jembatan itu ketika kita sampai di sana. " "
Beberapa lagi yang kami berencana untuk jatuh ke percakapan santai.
"" Ini bukan operasi roket, 'mash-up itu bukan ilmu roket dan tidak mengambil ahli bedah otak. "Laurie Moews
"Saya ingin membuat Anda di jalan tersebut." -Helen Solomon
"Aku tahu aku telah datang dengan beberapa doozies nyata selama bertahun-tahun, tapi saya pikir yang terbaik adalah ketika aku mendesak teman berkhotbah tidak memukuli saya di atas kepala dengan kuda mati." -Jeff Hamrick
"Kacang tidak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya." -Maria Hilgart
"Saya terlambat mantan suami terkenal karena pencampuran metafora nya Beberapa nya lebih dikenal. Orang itu tidak memiliki kedua layar dalam air Kita perlu gigit ini dalam ember aku terjebak antara batu dan mendalam.. laut biru. Dia beberapa kentang goreng pendek dari dek. "-Brenda Cannova

"Saya semua-waktu favorit adalah salah satu yang saya dengar selama panggilan-in radio di Dayton, Ohio. Seorang wanita mengatakan orang menarik lebih untuk membuang ban bekas di halaman, tapi dia tidak keberatan karena dia akan menjual ban sebagai memo. "Ini saus di saku saya," katanya. "-Marilyn Cavicchia

Softskill 1 (Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer)

Memahami Makna, Jenis dan Fungsi Kain Ulos
KRONOSNEWS.COM - Salah satu kearifan lokal masyarakat Batak adalah kain ulos. Selain sebagai kain khas, ulos juga merupakan keunikan budaya yang tidak pernah ketinggalan dalam sebuah pesta atau perayaan tertentu masyarakat Batak. Jenisnya pun beragam, mulai dari jenis yang biasa hingga kain ulos yang sangat khas dan memiliki filosofi yang mendalam.
Jangan asal memakai kain ulos karena kain ini memiliki corak yang diperuntukkan khusus bagi kaum lelaki maupun perempuan. Paling menarik adalah kain ulos ini mewakili ciri khas dan tidak sembarangan orang bisa memakainya. Namun secara umum, ulos memiliki filosofi untuk menunjukkan kehangatan dan lambang persaudaraan.
Ketika berkunjung ke Sumatera Utara, khususnya Kabupaten Tobasa, Anda akan disuguhkan dengan ratusan kain ulos dengan warna dan corak yang berbeda. Susunan ulos yang rapi dan tertata sesuai dengan jenisnya akan menjadi pemandangan yang mungkin tidak akan Anda temukan di daerah lainnya. Dari jenisnya saja, Anda akan menemukan perbedaan kain ulos dengan keunikannya masing-masing.
Ulos Sadum
Ulos ini menjadi salah satu ulos yang sangat popular dan diminati oleh para pengunjung lokal maupun mancanegara. Ulos Sadum biasanya menjadi hadiah tamu pada pengantin di acara pernikahan. Lain halnya dengan Ulos Sadum yang hingga kini banyak dipakai oleh kaum perempuan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Ulos jenis ini memang banyak diminati oleh kaum perempuan karena coraknya yang didominasi oleh bunga-bunga.
Ulos Ragi Hotang
Sama halnya dengan Ulos Sadum, ulos ini menjadi favorit para wisatawan domestic dan internasional yang berkunjung ke Tanah Batak. Sayangnya meski ulos Ragi Hotang adalah ulos tradisional yang sangat khas namun sudah mulai jarang ditemukan karena perkembangan zaman. Jenis Ragi Hotang memiliki kesan meriah sehingga biasanya dipakai ketika ada pesta.
Ulos Pucca
Sedangkan Ulos Pucca merupakan kain yang biasanya diberikan orang tua mempelai wanita kepada orang tua mempelai pria dan sarat dengan filosofi mendalam. Untuk acara yang sakral Ulos Pucca-lah yang digunakan. Ulos ini hanya bisa dipakai oleh orang tua yang memiliki anak yang telah menikah.
Perbedaan pemakain kain ulos dibenarkan oleh salah satu pemiliki usaha kain ulos yang ditemui kronosnews.com di Balige. “Semuanya punya makna tergantung jenisnya. Ragi Hotang ini untuk pesta. Kalo Sadum untuk perempuan. Laki-laki tidak ada yang pakai ulos Sadum karena coraknya bunga-bunga. Sedangkan Pucca biasanya dipakai orang yang sudah tua dan punya anak yang sudah menikah. Dimarahin kalian sama nenek moyang kalau pakai itu,” ungkapnya dengan logat Batak yang kental.
Jika Anda berminat untuk memiliki kain indah ini, Anda tinggal memilih harga yang sesuai dengan kantong karena harga kain ulos ini sangat beragam. Jenis Sadum harganya berkisar Rp25 ribu hingga Rp500 ribu per helai. Ulos Ragi Hotang biasanya dihargai Rp40 ribu hingga Rp150ribu. Sementara jenis Pucca harganya bisa mencapai Rp2 juta per helai.
Meski begitu, harga tersebut hanya sebatas kisaran dan tidak menjadi patokan utama. Harga kain ulos selalu disesuaikan dengan corak dan tingkat kesulitan pembuatnya. Ulos yang dibuat dengan jahitan tangan memiliki harga yang mahal, mencapai jutaan rupiah dibandingkan ulos yang dijahit dengan mesin. Harga ulos dengan jahitan tangan lebih mahal karena terlihat lebih rapi. Selain itu, ulos dengan jahitan tangan biasanya menghabiskan waktu sekitar dua minggu untuk pembuatannya. Ini sangat berbeda dengan ulos hasil jahitan mesin yang biasanya hanya membutuhkan waktu sehari.
Tertarik miliki kain ulos? Berkunjunglah ke tanah para pembuatnya di Sumatera Utara, dan Anda tinggal memilih ulos mana yang jadi favorit untuk dibeli.

One local wisdom of Batak is Ulos cloth. Aside from being a typical fabric, Ulos also a unique culture that never miss in a particular party or celebration of Batak society. Kind also varied, ranging from the ordinary to the type of fabric Ulos which very distinctive and has a deep philosophy.
Do not just wear Ulos cloth because this fabric has a style that cater specifically for men and women. Most interesting is the fabric Ulos represent characteristic and not any people can wear them. But in general, Ulos has a philosophy to show warmth and brotherhood symbol.
When visiting the North Sumatra, particularly Tobasa district, you will be presented with hundreds Ulos fabric with different colors and patterns. Ulos arrangement neat and orderly in accordance with its type will be a sight that may not be found in other areas. Of any kind, you will find differences Ulos fabric with individualized.
Ulos Sadum
Ulos Sadum is becoming one of very popular Ulos and demanded by local and foreign visitors. Ulos Sadum usually be a gift to the bride at the wedding. It is different with Ulos Sadum which is used by women in their daily activities. Ulos in this type is much in demand by women because the pattern is dominated by flowers.
Ulos Ragi Hotang
Similarly with Ulos Sadum, Ragi Hotang is a favorite of tourists domestic and international visitors to the Batak. Unfortunately though Ulos Ragi Hotang is very traditional Ulos but it is already rare to see because of modernization. Ragi Hotang have the bright impression so it usually used when there is a party.
Ulos Pucca
Ulos Pucca is a fabric which is usually given by the parents of the bride to the groom's parents and have a profound philosophy. Ulos Pucca was used for a sacred event. Ulos Pucca can only be used by parents who have children who have been married.
The difference in the usage of fabric Ulos justified by one of the business owners of ulos who met kronosnews.com in Balige. "Everything has meaning depending on the type. Ragi Hotang for a party. If Sadum for women. Men is not wearing Ulos Sadum because the pattern was flowers. While Pucca is usually used by people who are old and have children who are married. If you wear it, the ancestors will be angry "he said with a thick accent of Batak
If you are interested to have this beautiful fabric, you just select the price in accordance with your money because the price is very diverse Ulos cloth. Sadum prices range from Rp 25 thousand to 500 thousand per piece. Ulos Ragi Hotang usually appreciated Rp40 thousand to Rp150ribu. While Pucca price could reach Rp 2 million per piece.
Even so, that is the price range and not merely be the main criterion. Price fabric Ulos always adapted with the style and level of difficulty of the Ulos maker. Ulos made with hand stitching has a high price, millions rupiah compared to Ulos sewn by machine. Price Ulos with hand stitching is more expensive because it looks neater. Additionally, Ulos with hand stitching usually spend about two weeks to manufacture. This is very different from the results Ulos stitching machine that usually only takes a day.
Interested to have Ulos fabric? Come to the land of the makers in North Sumatra, and you just choose which Ulos you want to purchase

One local wisdom Batak is Ulos cloth. Aside from being a typical fabric, Ulos also a unique culture that never miss in a particular party or celebration Batak society. Kind also varied, ranging from the ordinary to the type of fabric Ulos very distinctive and has a deep philosophy.
Do not just wear Ulos cloth because this fabric has a style that cater specifically for men and women. Most interesting is the fabric Ulos represent characteristic and not any people can wear them. But in general, Ulos has a philosophy to show warmth and brotherhood symbol.
When visiting the North Sumatra, particularly Tobasa district, you will be presented with hundreds Ulos fabric with different colors and patterns. Ulos arrangement neat and orderly in accordance with its type will be a sight that may not be found in other areas. Of any kind, you will find differences Ulos fabric with individualized.
Ulos Sadum
Ulos is becoming one of Ulos very popular and in demand by local and foreign visitors. Ulos Sadum usually be a gift to the bride at the wedding. As with Ulos Sadum which until now widely used by women in their daily activities. Ulos this type is much in demand by women because the pattern is dominated by flowers.
De yeast Hotang
As with Ulos Sadum, this Ulos a favorite of domestic and international tourists who visit the Land of Batak. Unfortunately though Ulos Hotang Yeast is a very typical traditional Ulos but already rare because of the times. Type Yeast Hotang have lively impression that is usually used when there is a party.
Ulos Pucca
While Ulos Pucca is a fabric which is usually given the parents of the bride to the groom's parents and laden with profound philosophy. For a sacred event Ulos Pucca who had used. Ulos can only be used by parents who have children who have been married.
The difference in the usage of fabric Ulos justified by one of the business owners who met kronosnews.com Ulos cloth in Balige. "Everything has meaning depending on the species. Yeast Hotang for a party. If Sadum for women. Men wear nothing Ulos Sadum because flowers pattern. While Pucca is usually used by people who are old and have children who are married. Dimarahin same ancestors if you wear it, "he said with a thick accent Batak.
If you are interested to have this beautiful fabric, you just select the price in accordance with the bag because the price is very diverse Ulos cloth. Type Sadum prices range from Rp 25 thousand to 500 thousand per piece. Yeast Ulos Hotang usually appreciated Rp40 thousand to Rp150ribu. While this type of Pucca price could reach Rp 2 million per piece.
Even so, the price range and not merely be the main criterion. Price fabric Ulos always adapted to the style and level of difficulty of the author. Ulos made with hand stitching has a high price, millions of dollars compared Ulos sewn by machine. Price Ulos with hand stitching is more expensive because it looks neater. Additionally, Ulos with hand stitching usually spend about two weeks to manufacture. This is very different from the results Ulos stitching machine that usually only takes a day.
Interested have Ulos fabric? Come to the land of the makers in North Sumatra, and you just choose Ulos which is the favorite to be purchased.

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Make 5 Posts About Anything

1. Method of study
If a teacher was to teach me, he would most likely makes my knowledge confined to what he knows. This means I will be fully dependent on his knowledge. But if I study on my own (study on my own means self-study, study by myself can have the meaning that you have no friends or choose to be alone, etc...) , I would make my own efforts to gain knowledge. This method allows myself to broaden my knowledge without limit. 

Self-learning is better because you never forget something you learn the hard way. For instance, if a math teacher shows me how to calculate a problem using the methods by using his method, I will be using the only method to solve that specific problem. I will be stuck with his way of solving the problem. But if it is just me calculating that , I can use my knowledge gained from other many sources, and I may find easier ways to solve the problem. 

I may dislike a teacher and lose my enthusiasm for the subject because I may dislike the way he teaches. Even though I prefer self-learning over having a teacher or tutor. I do realize that it may or may not be the best way to expand my knowledge. Therefore I have to balance myself.

2. Movie Review : Exodus: Gods and Kings

Exodus: Gods and Kings is, of course, based (sometimes quite loosely) on the biblical book of Exodus. It's the foundational journal of the Jews in many respects, and a broadly inspirational one as well—a story of a people striving for freedom. Some of that shines through in this screenplay.

At first, Moses is a reluctant shepherd for his people. For much of the movie, he sees himself as Egyptian. He hates the idea of leaving his wife and son behind when he goes back to Egypt to retrieve his Hebrews. But go he does—demanding freedom for a people he barely knows from a government he actually quite likes. Even as God spares His people from most of the plagues, Moses suffers. We see it in his face when he hears the Egyptians grieve over their lost children, hear it in his voice when he speaks to Ramses. He's not a prophet without a heart … but he is one who's determined to see his job through to the end.

We see a great deal of strength in the Hebrew people as well. They've waited a very long time for their deliverance, and they're willing to sacrifice a great deal to see it through. Miriam, Moses' sister, refuses to fess up about Moses' secret lineage, for instance, and she nearly has her hand chopped off for her trouble. (Moses winds up saving her—admitting to being Hebrew even if he doesn't yet believe it himself.) And when Moses returns from exile and hides among the Hebrews, they refuse to give him up—even as Ramses hangs whole families to "encourage" informants.

Ramses, though, is not without virtue. As a prince, he clearly loved Moses. As king, he exiles Moses instead of executing him, and even arranges for him to keep his sword. Ramses also dearly loves his son, cradling him and doting on him in life. He's nearly torn asunder by grief when the boy dies.

3. Song : Find A Way by The Used
 Lay your head down just for now
Space fills your mind and you dream awhile
The sun floods your room as you drown your
Lungs full of breathing
Your true love believe

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

Move let the stars suck you in
Hold tight, the night's air and breathe again
Let go and be burnt by the moon
Your hands full of feeling your true love,

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way
more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

I love you to death
Could you love me to death

I love you to death
Could you love me to death

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way
Letting love find a way
Letting love find a way
Letting love...

One more time to say I love you always
and keeping faith letting love find a way
4. Movie Review : Night at The Museum: Secret of The Tomb
It's been quite an adventure for Larry Daley. Who woulda thought he could've risen from being a frowned-upon night watchman at New York's famous American Museum of Natural History to almost being in charge of the place? Or at least he's in charge of the museum's amazing animatronics display that everybody's raving about.

Of course, the truth of it is that there's no animatronics involved in his presentations at all. No wires, strings or well-devised 3-D images either. It's all brought about by the golden Tablet of Akmenrah—a long-ago unearthed magical artifact from Egypt that can somehow bring statues, figurines and T. rex bones to life every night with its mysterious powers.

But now the supernatural tablet is beginning to corrode for some reason. And Larry's in a panic about what to do. With each new inch of gold-gobbling rust, his cast of moving and talking historical characters and big bony buds seems to be losing its collective life force.

Time to go back to the beginning. Not his faltering start at the museum two movies ago, but actually the start of the tablet itself. He's going to have to find out more about the archeological dig that first uncovered it. And that will likely entail taking it to the British Museum of Natural History, home of Akmenrah's mummified parents, Merenkahre and Sheoseheret. If he can magically bring them to life—along with every other artifact and fossil in that vast building—maybe he can get some good answers to his bad problem.
5. Song : I Miss You by Blink 182
(I miss you, I miss you)
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends

(I miss you, I miss you)
(I miss you, I miss you)

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
(I miss you, I miss you) [x4]

Softskill Assignments

Type A
3. B
Water boils at 212 degrees F, and freezes at 32 degrees F.

Type B
4. B
When she retired in 1989, tennis champ Christine Evert was the most famous women athlete in the United Stated.

Type C
7. A
If Rudy have beed studied German in college, he wouldn't have found the scientific terminology so difficult to understand.

Change Direct Sentence to Indirect Sentence

"After 15 very enjoyable and successful years with Red Bull, I have decided to leave Red Bull at the end of this year," Vettel said on his personal website.

Vettel said on his personal website that after 15 very enjoyable and successful years with Red Bull, he has decided to leave Red Bull at the end of this year.

Asked on Friday whether he could be driving for either of rival teams McLaren or Red Bull next year, Alonso said: "This is a very difficult question to answer. And I will repeat the answer, probably I will do the best for Ferrari."

Asked on Friday whether he could be driving for either of rival teams McLaren or Red Bull next year, Alonso said that this is a very difficult question to answer. And he will repeat the answer, probably he will do the best for Ferrari."

Direct and Indirect Sentence

Vettel told Red Bull chief Christian Horner on Friday night that he intended to leave, and the team made the formal announcement on Saturday ahead of qualifying at the Japanese Grand Prix.

"After 15 very enjoyable and successful years with Red Bull, I have decided to leave Red Bull at the end of this year," Vettel said on his personal website.

Asked on Friday whether he could be driving for either of rival teams McLaren or Red Bull next year, Alonso said: "This is a very difficult question to answer. And I will repeat the answer, probably I will do the best for Ferrari."